Student safety is our number one concern! Help us maintain a safe parking lot and drop off/pick up zone for our students. Thank you for your patience and being kind to one another.
Please review the traffic flow information for student drop-off procedures.
Important Reminders:
The parking spots in the front turnaround for people with disabilities are for individuals parking and coming into the building, not simply dropping off students.
Parking directly in front of the school is not an option during drop off and pick up times, unless you have an appointment in the building. Otherwise, all traffic/drivers should be utilizing our parking lot drop off and pick up lanes in the main lot.
Again, we appreciate the patience and caution each day that you demonstrate and model for our students. North Arvada and our family community are great partners and we all adore our KNIGHTS!
Click the link below for guidelines on North Arvada's parking lot and traffic information.
Parking Lot and Traffic Flow Information